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Spotlighting Iowa During National Community College Month

Posted on April 25, 2024 at 10:10 AM by Emily Shields

National Community College Month is our annual opportunity to spotlight how Iowa is a national leader for accessible, excellent education – and what the true impact is.

  • Iowa is one of the top states with the most residents who have some form of higher education.
  • Each community college is the community’s college. Programs are started and thrive from having passionate community members championing their careers and industries. The decisions made by each college are guided by their trustees, who are community members turned into public officials through local elections. Each building, each program, and each student contributes to the betterment of the community as much as the community gives to them.
  • Our state’s greatest workforce need are positions with education requirements that are more than a high school diploma and less than a bachelor’s degree. These uniquely skilled Iowans can be in manufacturing, construction, agriculture, technology, healthcare, education, and more. Their work may have them in the field, in the office, or remote from home. Every Iowan is needed for our businesses, industries, and economies.
  • Earning credits, certificates, or an associate’s degree at an Iowa community college makes Iowans more likely to earn higher wages, in a career they enjoy and a career that’s needed, with little-to-no student loan debt.
  • It is more possible than ever for any Iowan to upskill.

As we look at higher education practices that lead to results, community colleges are the key. Community colleges turn community needs into community growth. Community colleges open doors for business and industry to meet demand and enter new markets. And community colleges unlock new opportunities for Iowans to achieve personal and professional success in our state.

The work of community colleges is led by the interest of the public. Our communication efforts provide vital information and timely news about Iowa’s 15 community colleges. Celebrate #CCMonth by following Community Colleges for Iowa on social media and stay in-the-know all year long!

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