October 9-12 ACCT Leadership Congress in Las Vegas: Building a Legacy
Registration after August 4 (including meals): $1420
Registration after August 4 (registration only): $1075
Registration link: https://registration.experientevent.com/ShowACT232/Flow/ATT#!/registrant//Dashboard/
Join us in Vegas for the annual ACCT Leadership Congress to learn and network with Trustees across the country. A reception for Iowa attendees and guests with hors d'oeuvres and an open bar will be held on Tuesday, October 10th in the conference hotel!
Iowa Trustee Reception | Tuesday, October 10 | 4:30pm - 5:30pm | Bluethorn 2 & 3, Level 1, Aria Resort & Casino
October 12-13 Iowa Ideas 2023 Conference
This important annual gathering of Iowans is made possible thanks to sponsors, advisory councils and Gazette team members who work year-round to bring this unique experience to life. The conference is free. Follow this link to learn more: Iowa Ideas 2023 Conference Registration (whova.com)
October 25-27 Future of Work Academy Virtual Conference
HP is extending an invitation to 100 community and technical colleges across the nation for students to participate at no cost. This program was born out of HP's goals to enable better learning outcomes for 100 million people by 2025 as well as to accelerate digital equity for 150 million people by 2030. HP wants to enable better learning outcome for students, especially those who have been historically underserved and overlooked.
November 2-3 Way Up Conference
For over thirty years, Iowans have hosted and attended The Way Up Conference to support women in higher education institutions as they develop their leadership and administrative expertise. Whether you have knowledge and skills to share or are eager to learn and connect, we hope you plan to attend this year’s The Way Up Conference!
This year, the event will be held November 2-3, 2023 at the Hilton Des Moines Downtown Conference Center, Des Moines, Iowa.
Watch for conference registration materials in August: https://wayup-iowa.org/
November 28-30 CCforIowa Convention and Tradeshow--First Edition: Writing the Next Chapter of Community Colleges
At the Hilton Des Moines Downtown
In 2023, we are hosting the inaugural Community Colleges for Iowa Convention and Tradeshow. The event will be the only statewide professional development conference in Iowa focusing exclusively on community college administrators, staff, and faculty. This event will feature engaging and informative sessions, hands-on opportunities to engage with local partners, networking opportunities, and most importantly, tons of fun! More information to come!