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What's New on the Hill?

This week, our funding formula priority bill was passed out of House Subcommittee unanimously, 5-0 (SF 2405). We look forward to the bill moving forward and further discussion on the topic. We are still waiting for our CCTC bill to be taken up on the Senate floor. 

Here are the bills you will want to pay the most attention to in the next week:  

HF 2550/SF 2416 is the Governor's Reorganization Clean-Up bill. On Wednesday, the House bill was voted out of subcommittee and a fiscal note was released on the Senate bill. 

HF 2675 requires PACS to provide electronic mail addresses, extends the deadline for required filings to 11:59pm, and increases the gift value for legislators to $10. On Wednesday, the bill was voted out of committee. 

HJR 2006/SSB 3142 requires that any bill that increase the individual income tax rate or corporate income tax rate be adopted by at least two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the general assembly. On Tuesday, the House Joint Resolution was passed out of the House on a 61-35 vote. 

For more info, our Bill Tracker is up-and-running and more details will be available here: 2024 Bill Tracker | Community Colleges for Iowa (

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