ACCT Government Affairs Office Events
January 14 (2pm EST) - Innovative Approaches to Expand Non-Credit Learning Webinar
Iowa Western Community College Receives EPA Grant for Job Training
Iowa Western Community College has received a $478,474 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Job Training Program to recruit and train individuals for the safe deconstruction of buildings and rehabilitation of contaminated areas.
Iowa Central Approves Staff Retirements
Iowa Central Community College's Board of Directors has approved the retirement of 29 staff members, including Athletic Director Kevin Twait and Director of Theatre Teresa Jackson, each with 30 years of service, and Vice President of External Affairs Jim Kersten, who has served for 22 years.
Lieutenant Governor Selected
In December, Governor Kim Reynolds appointed former Iowa State Senator Chris Cournoyer to serve as the 48th Lieutenant Governor of Iowa. She's a small business owner, former school board president and former reserve sheriff deputy.
On December 27, LSA published a fiscal topic on Industry-Recognized Credentials, defined as credentials sought or accepted by employers within the industry or sector involved as a recognized, preferred, or required credential for recruitment, screening, hiring, retention, or advancement purposes. Recipients of IRCs have demonstrated that they possess the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to perform specific tasks or roles within that industry. The Iowa Department of Education has an application and review process to identify relevant high-quality IRCs. The DE maintains an approved IRCs list, and additional IRCs may be added to the list upon completion of the application and review process. On January 7, LSA published a fiscal topic on Community College Revenue by Source. Overall, community colleges in Iowa saw an increase in actual revenues during the FY2019 to FY2023 time period. Between FY2019 and FY2023, actual revenues from tuition and fees increased by 2% and was the largest source of revenue for the community colleges during that period. Federal funds revenue increased 51.3% from FY2019 to FY2023, rising from .2% to .4% of total actual revenues. In FY2023, 6.2% of actual revenue came from local support, consisting of the 20.25-cent general levy. On January 7th, LSA also published a fiscal topic on the Tuition Refund Fund, created in 2015. The Midwestern Higher Education Compact approved Iowa as the eighth state to join the Midwestern State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (M-SARA). In 2014, Iowa's application to SARA was deemed inadequate because it preserved the rights of Iowa students to rely on Iowa's consumer protection laws, including the right to a full tuition refund. The Tuition Refund Fund is funded from moneys appropriated by the General Assembly and moneys received as a result of a court order, judgment, or settlement that specifically directs that those moneys be used as student tuition refunds, or that authorizes the Attorney General to use moneys for any other purpose at the discretion of the Attorney General. There has only been one appropriation to the fund.
New Year, Better You
Iowa Central Community College's Webster City campus offers a variety of programs for high school students and adult learners, including alternative high school education, dual-enrollment courses, GED preparation, and English as a Second Language classes. The campus's flagship nursing program, accredited by the Iowa State Board of Nursing, is currently at capacity with 60 students enrolled.
The Key to Health and Happiness: Lifelong Learning at Iowa Valley and Marshalltown Community College
Engaging in lifelong learning enhances mental sharpness, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being. Marshalltown Community College (MCC) and Iowa Valley Business and Community Solutions (BCS) offer accessible programs in high-demand fields like healthcare, IT, and advanced manufacturing, as well as personal enrichment courses such as photography and sign language. Flexible online options, evening classes, and financial assistance ensure education fits into any lifestyle.
2025 Community College National Legislative Summit
Register for the 2025 Community College National Legislative Summit and join your peer community college trustees, CEOs, other leaders, and student advocates next month in Washington. The NLS is designed to inform and educate community college leaders on federal policy issues that impact postsecondary institutions and students, and to provide a pathway for individuals to advocate on behalf of your colleges and your students.
Swearing in the 119th Congress
Friday marked the first day of the 119th Congress where freshmen members were sworn in and now, they are ready to begin the work of public service. With a total of 82 freshmen, 68 new Representatives and 14 new Senators, and leadership changes in both chambers as well as a new presidential administration, community college advocacy will be critical.
Public Service Manager 2 - Bureau Chief of CTE and Postsecondary Readiness ($96,096-$136,822.40)
Responsibilities: assist the Director and Division Administrator in leadership, development of policy and supervision of programmatic activities as it related to secondary and postsecondary career and technical education, work-based learning and career and academic planning; represent the Department, Division of Higher Education and Bureau of CTE and Postsecondary Readiness as a liaison with other state agencies, school district superintendents and leadership, community college presidents and leadership, employers, education and community-based organizations; participate in Department-wide strategic planning, help lead Division strategic planning, and lead Bureau strategic planning, overseeing the development, implementation, and evaluation of statewide priority initiatives; maintain expert knowledge of state and federal policy impacting career and technical education, career and academic planning, work-based learning, and industry-recognized credentials; facilitate the development of each employee in the Bureau to enhance their performance in meeting and achieving the mission and objectives of the Department, Division of Higher Education, and Bureau of CTE and Postsecondary Readiness; etc. Closing Date: 1/20/25
Biden Issues Distance Education/Attendance-Taking Regulations
Just before New Year's, the U.S. Education Department released final rules on program integrity and institutional quality that reflects AACC's position in key areas. The final regulations are a culmination of a negotiated rulemaking process that began at the beginning of 2024. AACC's greatest concern about the proposed rule was its requirement that institutions take attendance for all online students, as a means of determining a formal data of withdrawal for the purposes of making "Return of Title IV Funds" calculations. The final regulations also maintain eligibility for asynchronous programs measured in clock hours. The Department's Final Rule adds a new reporting requirement for distance education students - starting July 1, 2027, colleges must report to the National Student Loan Data System all federally-aided students who have received Federal financial aid are enrolled in distance education or correspondence courses.
Biden Sets State Earnings Thresholds for Gainful Employment
On December 31, the Department of Education published a Federal Register notice that specifies the "earnings threshold," by state, that gainful employment program completers must meet on average in order for the program to remain eligible for Title IV. This earnings threshold is based on Census Bureau data and is calculated as the median earnings by state for working adults aged 25-34 who either worked during the year or indicated they were unemployed when interviewed, who have only a high school diploma or recognized equivalent. In the negotiated rulemaking process held in early 2022 that preceded the publication of proposed regulations, community colleges argued against the new earnings threshold. It is highly unlikely that the incoming Trump Administration will retain the GE regulations in anything like their current form, since the first Trump Administration rescinded an earlier version implemented by President Obama, and Congressional Republicans continue to inveigh against GE. Besides the earnings threshold, the other major aspect of the GE eligibility framework is two debt-to-earnings metrics.
Staff Update
As many of you know, Katrina Callahan from our office got married in September. Since then, she has been working on updating her name and as of yesterday, her name has officially changed over in all aspects of her position. Her married name is Katrina Holck, and she can now be reached at