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What's New on the Hill?

Here we will be highlighting anything new, however, you can see all updates on all introduced bills at the link below. 

Academic Programs: SSB 3086 authorizes the DOT to designate third-party testers to administer the required knowledge and final field tests for other driver's licenses. 

Financial Aid & Fees: This seems to be the most popular area of concern by far this year. This week, bills were introduced that classified former crew members of U.S. navy vessels as residents for purposes of tuition and waived all tuition and mandatory fees for first responders and their dependents if they are attending a school under the Board of Regents. 

Fiscal & Funding: HF 2028 provides a homestead tax credit in an amount equal to the actual levy on the first $100,000 of actual value on an owner's eligible homestead if the owner is 65 years of age or older and either has less than $40,000 of household income if the owner is unmarried or $80,000 of household income if the owner is married. 

Governance: There are currently two bills relating to filing deadlines for PACs and one that prohibits expending revenue received from taxpayers for payment to persons responsible for ransomware attacks. 

Local Government: There is a bill that designates August 17 as Nonprofit Recognition Day, and a DEI bill that restricts what can be used and said during trainings for staff and students. 

Operations: This week, we saw bills relating to open meetings, restrictions on employment of unauthorized aliens, and a "bathroom bill."

Student Services: HF 2077 (Combating Terrorist Sympathizers Act) requires the cancellation of any student organization that promotes terrorism and the rescinding of those student's financial aid through either the state or the higher education institution. 

For more info, our Bill Tracker is up-and-running and more details will be available here: 2024 Bill Tracker | Community Colleges for Iowa (

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