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What's New on the Hill?

Here are the bills you will want to pay the most attention to in the next week:  

HF 2153 strikes the requirement for CSAC to submit an annual report to the governor and the general assembly related to certain specified tuition grants and evaluate the tuition grants program. On Monday, the bill was passed out of the Senate 48-0. 

HF 2615 exempts CCTCs from the shared operational weighting. It is our second priority and it passed the Senate unanimously Monday, and was reaffirmed with a clean-up amendment by the House. It will now be sent down to the Governor's office. 

HF 2686 is the Governor's reorganization clean-up bill. It passed out of Committee on Tuesday. 

HR 116 is a resolution honoring the outstanding performance of the Kirkwood Community College women's basketball team and head coach Kim Muhl. 

SF 2259 expands the definition of "apprenticeship program" to include apprenticeships registered with the Iowa office of apprenticeship. It passed out of subcommittee with an amendment on Tuesday. 

SSB 3200 is the Senate's version of the Justice Systems Appropriations Bill. The subcommittee recommended passage on Wednesday. 

SSB 3201 is the Senate's version of the Education Appropriations Bill. 

For more info, our Bill Tracker is up-and-running and more details will be available here: 2024 Bill Tracker | Community Colleges for Iowa (

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