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Community College News

Northeast Iowa Community College hosted National Career & Technical Education Signing Day

High schoolers and nontraditional students gathered to celebrate their decision of attending NICC and seven of them received scholarships. The event highlights automotive mechanics, CNC technicians, diesel mechanics and engineering technology. To read more, click here

Eastern Iowa Community College New Academic Affairs Chancellor

EICC has named the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Jeremy Pickard, to lead as the permanent Chancellor of Academic Affairs. He will begin on June 1st. 

Iowa Central Graduation Rate Reaches New High

Graduation rates at ICCC have peaked after over 20 years. For 2023, Iowa Central's two-year graduation completion rate was 44%, increasing 7% from the previous year. To read what Iowa Central credits this increase to, click here

Western Iowa Tech Hosts Skills Day Competition

WITCC will host Skills Day on Friday, April 19th from 9am-1pm in the Rocklin Conference Center. Over 200 local high school students will be participating in a competition for scholarships. 

Industry 4.0 Partners Meeting

On Tuesday, May 7th, please join us at the Iowa Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Consortium's All-Parners Meeting. We'll be sharing all that is happening in workplaces as well as how educators are supporting Industry 4.0 across the state. There will also be discussion and planning on how we can encourage the adoption of Industry 4.0 in Iowa. Tours of the Hawkeye Community College Automation & Robotics Center will be held before and after the meeting, at 8am and 2:30pm respectfully. The meeting will start at 9am at the Van G Miller Adult Learning Center. To register, click here! Attendees will receive a pre-work email from UNI for the afternoon workshop and parking directions & maps for the two HCC buildings. For any additional questions, please contact Pamela Wright at 

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